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Jot and Tittle

Digging Deeper and Preserving the intended message of scripture


For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Matthew 5:18

Every single part of the scripture has value and meaning for us.  Not one small mark should be ignored.  Everything we believe or do must be rooted in scripture.  If this book is not true, then we have no Savior and no hope.  The dangers of private or errant interpretation of passages cannot be overstated.  This is our only guide.  The heart is deceitful above all things according to Jeremiah.  Solomon warned us not to "lean to our own understanding".  There is an epidemic of saying "I know that verse says ....but I believe..."  The only foundation for what we believe must be this book.  Satan's first tactic in the garden was "hath God said?"  He began to make Eve doubt the words of God.  He does this today by whispereing "that verse doesn't really mean that..."  I am not ignoring that there are hard verses to understand, or that multiple readings may be found in some cases.  But each of these readings must align with all other verses on the topic.  The basic rules of reading and grammar still apply to every verse just as much as they apply to "For God so loved..."

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